The Consequence
of Temptation
“ "Then, when
desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-frown
brings forth death.
The progression is as follows:
Desire gives
birth to sin.
Sin grows up and
gives birth to death.
Death reigns and
destroys all our hopes and dreams.
The consequences of sin:
1. Sin brings guilt.
2. Sin hardens the heart.
3. Sin brings chastisement.
4. Sin brings eternal damnation.
5. Sin grieves the Holy Spirit.
6. Sin wounds Jesus Christ again.
7. Sin destroys our usefulness for God.
8. Sin brings reproach on the cause of Christ.
9. Sin robs us of our assurance of God.
10.Sin brings bondage.
11. Sin results in separation from
God and death.