Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Way

Dear Berean Family,

I trust that you will have a wonderful Christmas season. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and concerns as I heal from my surgery. I am coming along slowly but hope to be back in the pulpit by the end of the month.  My doctor has told me to get plenty of rest!

While I was off I decided to put together a message on my blog that includes many of the hymns and poems that I have used over the years in my ministry here at Berean. At thanksgiving, I sat down with Mary, Joanna and Jeremy and we had a time of prayer, and then I started quoting poems and hymns that I had memorized over the years mixed with Bible verses, and went on for about an hour. Mary said, "You need to do this for the church!" So a few nights ago when I was unable to sleep because of the pain I got up and went into my study at home, turned on the camera and put together a message on John 14:1-6. I pray that this collection of thoughts and verses will be a blessing to all of you. 

If you enjoy this please share it with  others. It will bless me very much if it can be used to touch the lives of the Lord's people.

The Lord said in the Upper Room in a response to a question from John that He was, "The way the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me."  Around this theme of The Way I selected a number of  hymns and poems and arranged them to bring out the awesome grace of God in the salvation that Christ has provided for each of us.

God bless you all,
Pastor Dickie

1 comment:

Matt said...

Pastor this is awesome