Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Second Interview With Pastor Rosther

This is the second of a number of interviews with my good friend Pastor Rosther. What the Lord is doing with this servant of God in Brasil is an encouragement to all of us. I pray that it will be a blessing to our Berean family.
As  the crisis in the Middle East continues to unfold I am very amazed and distressed by many of the comments being made by our political leaders. Instead of apologizing for the video that allegedly offended so many Muslims our leaders should be stressing to the nations in the Middle East that we in America hold dear to the right of freedom of speech. We should be taking this opportunity to emphasize that we accept questions, doubts, even open rejection of any religious belief as the fundamental right of Americans. Furthermore, we do not consider atheism, the rejection of our religious beliefs or those who publicly ridicule faith as reasons to justify murder, rioting, destroying property, or to incite rage in the streets. It is apparent to me that many of our leaders have a very defective understanding of the deep seated hatred that is influencing so many in the Muslim world.
Let us, as Bereans, keep our leaders and our nation in our prayers. These are indeed perilous days.
May the Lord use all of us in His service to reveal the light of the glorious gospel of Christ to our loved ones and friends.
In Christ,
Pastor Dickie

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