Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Special Word of Thanks!

This is just a special word of thanks to my Berean family for making last Sunday a very wonderful day for Mary and me. These past 30 years have come and gone so quickly. I can hardly believe where the years has gone. This brief video expresses our gratitude and thanks for the prayers and support we have received over the years from so many dear friends here at Berean.

On Sunday, we received many cards, words of thanks, and words of encouragement from a number of people. For this I am deeply grateful. May the Lord return His blessings on all of you and bless you and keep you.

A pastor can preach, pray and live among his flock. But only the Lord can change hearts or give his people a love for Christ and a heart to follow the Lord. This is my constant prayer for each of you. I often weep over this flock and plead with our heavenly Shepherd to mold you all into His image. I weep with you when you weep and I rejoice with you when you rejoice. I long that your eyes would stay fixed on the Saviour and that your love for Him would increase day by day. However long I have left on this earth to serve the Lord, when I am finished and called home to be with Him, I trust that my labors will not have been in vain. May we all rise up and put on Christ for the day is far spent and the night is at hand.

God bless you all!

Pastor Dickie  

1 comment:

Rick Wagner said...

You've been pastoring Berean since before I was born! Because of your faithfulness the Lord was able to use you to proclaim the Gospel to a sinner like me. My family is particularly thankful for your dedication to Berean as it allowed us to come to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ under your ministry in 2004. We love you dearly.