Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Saturday Night With John Blanchard

Dear Berean Family,

This Saturday night at 6:00 pm we will have the blessing of hearing John Blanchard. This is going to be a great night of fellowship. I trust that all of you have invited others to come and hear this godly and gifted servant of God open the Word for all of us who attend.

There will be two new books on sale at our book table. One is a biography on John called “Hear Me Carefully.” The other is a new book published by EP called, “Major Points From the Minor Prophets.”

I can’t tell you how blessed we are to have this special man of God with us once again. John Blanchard is a special gift from the Lord to his church. In every age there are those who, by the sovereign grace of God, stand head and shoulders above the rest because they are so gifted, so unique, and so used of the Lord. John is one of those gifts to the church.  Don’t just come to the service but please, as spiritual believers, make this meeting a matter of prayer. I am very grateful for the leadership of our deacons that is coming from Matt Zimmerman. Matt has sent out the call for each of the deacons to be godly, dedicated, and deeply spiritual men. I am asking all of you along with our elders to take up Matt’s call and pray for our church. Like I said to the assembly on Sunday—if we serve the Lord with a spirit of grumbling or complaining we lose any blessing that we might have received.

These are great days to serve the Lord. David says in Psalm 34:3, “O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.

Pastor Dickie

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