I want to wish the church family a happy 4th of July. Travel safe and enjoy the holiday! We have a wonderful country and none of us should take it for granted.
One of the things that has made this a great country has been the powerful and convicting preaching of the Word of God. We need the Lord to raise up a mighty army of faithful preachers who will declare the whole counsel of God to our generation.
As a pastor I am always examining not only my life but the fruit and the actions of those who sit under my ministry. Here are some of the things that we all need to practice in our lives. If we are a holy people then this nation will have the kind of citizens that will lead it forward in this century.
1. We need to be spiritual people who display the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Gal. 5:22-23.
2. We need to be a people who walk with God in our daily lives.
3. We need to be prayer warriors for our families, our church and our nation.
4. We need to be committed to being honest, faithful, dedicated and compassionate in our dealings with our neighbors and friends.
5. We need to fear God and not man.
6. We need to live for the glory of God.
7. We need to practice the presence of God in our lives.
8. We need to abhor all that is evil and to love all that is good and pure.
9. We need to forgive our enemies and those who have hurt or disappointed us.
10. Most of all we need to love the Lord Jesus Christ supremely.
On this holiday may our blessed Lord have all the glory! In spite of all the concerns that we have as Americans let us never forget that as my late brother in law Del Fehsenfeld used to say, "As long as God is on the throne revival is as possible as the sun rising tomorrow morning!"
Keep the faith, and keep your eyes on Christ!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dickie
1 comment:
Pastor I resntly had the chance to listen to a man by the name of Paul Washer He is a Southern Baptist and a calvinist. This man has a gift of preaching the gosple. I was wondering if you heard of him or not? here is a clip of one of his sermons. I am not totaly sure but I belive he is doctonly sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwpm1G5pVho Ps, you can e-mail me back at jerry.goidosik@the-team.biz if you would like
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