Please be praying for our upcoming meeting with Ken Ham from the Creation Museum in Kentucky!
Answers In Genesis Conference At Berean Baptist Church, May 17, 2009.
Ken Ham will be with us at Berean Baptist Church to share with our congregation and friends a seminar that will help us to bring reformation to our land by reclaiming the foundations of our faith which are based in the Bible. Ken Ham is one of North America's most popular speakers, best-selling authors and radio host. I want to invite all of you to attend and if possible to bring at least one person with you to hear this seminar.
The purpose of this conference is to help you to be able to answer some of the most-asked questions about the Bible! You will discover biblical truth and the reliability of the Scriptures. In this Post-Modern age, where the Bible is continually under attack, you will find your faith in the Word of God strengthened and enriched. Please plan to attend.
The topics of Ken's messages are:
1. "The Relevance of Genesis in Today's World."
2. "The Loss of Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth."
3. "Defending the Christian Faith in Today's World."
4. "How to Reach the Secularized World with the Gospel."
See you all on the 17th of May!
In Christ,
Pastor Dickie
This is right up my alley! I hope he brings some actual science into the table as many folks like to say that science and the bible are contradictory.
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