Home from Wales!
The Team from Berean Baptist church that went with me to minister in Wales is home safe and filled with praise for what they saw the Lord doing among the Lord's people on the other side of the ocean. We had a wonderful trip. We saw many special things on our journey but it must be emphasized that the purpose of the trip was to minister and to serve not to sight see and have a holiday. Our Welsh hosts took very good care of us and we did in fact have opportunities to see many wonderful things and places. But the real joy of the trip was to spend time serving the Lord and being among the Lord's people.
I cannot say enough about the help and leadership that Eric Stewart is displaying in his young ministry. He has been such a blessing and an encouragement to me. He is growing in his faith and in his ability to serve. I am very pleased with the spirit and attitude of this young man of God. The entire Team did a splendid job serving and ministering to the people in Wales. I received many kind and appreciative comments from the folks over there. I prayed that we would be a blessing to them and it appears that that was indeed the case. If this be so I give the Lord all the glory for what He did through all of us while serving His people in that wonderful land.
As always, I was personally refreshed by the ministry and spiritual influence of Vernon and Dewi Higham. These are truly two of our Lord's choice servants. I ask all of our Berean members and friends to uphold them in your prayers as they serve and proclaim the gospel of grace to that place where God has placed them!
The conference at Pembroke, Wales was well attended. There were pastors from both England and Wales present. The singing was magnificent and it greatly encouraged me to see that our worship and praise could be so powerful without having to resort to the cheap music of the pop culture to make it relevant. God moved in our midst. I believe that the Lord Jesus was magnified by the wonderful preaching of Dewi Higham on the great gospel of grace and by Vernon Higham on the Law of Love. Vernon gave a wonderful exposition of the Ten Commandments that was such a blessing to all of us there. The fellowship was indeed sweet and it was such an encouragement to see how God is working amongst the dear flock at Tabernacle Church Cardiff.
I have returned home greatly encouraged and refreshed from being with the Lord's people. Please keep our students in the Emmaus Road Academy in prayer and continue to pray for the Tabernacle Church in Cardiff that God will use them to influence many thousands around England and Wales in the days and years to come. God bless you all. Love Pastor Dickie
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