Emmaus Road Academy going to Wales!
I am going to Wales to preach at a conference for two weeks with Dewi Higham. Traveling with me are some of the students from our academy. The students coming with me are Dan Kusky, Scott Schroeder, Brent Campau, Gene Lukonen, Andrew Felten, and Eric and Lori Stewart. Our desire is to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ to the people of Wales and England. I am very excited to have these students traveling with me to the conference this year.
One of the things I am trying to help these students realize is that the Lord is working today all over the earth to fill the world with the glory of His Son! Today, more than ever before, it is essential for Christians to have an eschatology of victory. I meet believers everywhere who have retreated and almost given up any hope of seeing a revival or outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We are truly living in days of unbelief and pessimism.
Jesus told us He would build His church and the gates of Hell would not prevail against Him. We are going to Wales to preach, pray, and to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ by our testimonies, preaching, and all that we do. Keep us in prayer! As we are away may the Lord bless all of you at Berean. God bless you all! Love in Christ, Pastor Dickie
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