Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Very Good Article by Jerry Marcellino on The Supreme Court's Decision

My Response to SCOTUS's Decision on Homosexual Marriage - June 26, 2015

I will remain on the RIGHT side of history WITH the God of History (Daniel 4:34-37) * Why? Seven reasons:

1. Because Truth is unchanged and unchanging (Ephesians 4:15).

2. Because God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Psalm 119:89).

3. Because Jesus is the embodiment of Truth (John 14:6).

4. Because God's Word is objective Truth (John 17:17).

5. Because the SCOTUS's decision will lead to further moral, domestic, and spiritual chaos in our nation (John 8:44-45; Romans 1:18-32).

6. Because the Gospel is still the answer for the sin of all mankind (John 3:16; Romans 1:16; Acts 5:29; 24:24-25; John 8:31-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Romans 5:20; 2 Timothy 4:1-5).

7. Because our Hope must always and only be in God (Romans 15:4, 13; Psalm 42:5,11; Matthew 16:18).

So, I will continue praying to my God for our whole nation. For:'s leaders, individuals, and families; ...this present generation and the ones to follow; ...and for All true gospel-preaching churches in this great nation, to be: …clear on the gospel, … courageous for Christ, …spiritually-healthy, …humble and loving, …unified around the truth, and …fearless in their faith toward God, and faithful until the end (Hebrews 10:23; 1 Peter 4:19).

Soli Deo Gloria!

Pastor Jerry Marcellino

(Habakkuk 3:2)

Thank you brother Jerry! The Lord will defend His people and promote the gospel of His Son. We must be sure we are all on the Lord's side. In eternity that is all that matters.

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