Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Developing A Prayer Life For The Lord

If we are going to develop a significant prayer life we need to keep in mind the following things:

1. We must have faith- faith that God does exist and that He does, in fact, hear us when we pray and that He delights when we draw near to Him in prayer and holy communion.

2. We must have passion- a passion that drives us to our knees and that moves us from apathy, indifference, and lethargy to a passionate storming of the throne of grace in pleading before God.

3. We must have a secret place- a place set aside where we can call it our Bethel (house of God) where we draw near to God in secret and passionate prayer.

4. We must have a specific time- a time where each day we get alone with our God and pour out our hearts to Him in prayer and supplication.

5. We must have a plan- a plan that gives us direction and a framework by which to lift up our petitions to our Lord. Pray through the Psalms or the Lord's prayer. Make a list of your prayer requests and keep a journal on you prayers and answers you receive to your prayers.

By all means make sure you are spending time every day with the Lord wrestling in prayer. The Hidden Life of Prayer by David M'Intyre is a wonderful book on prayer. Anything you can read by E. M. Bounds on prayer will be a great blessing to your soul. 

In the days to come let us join together at the throne of grace and seek God's blessing on our loved ones, friends, and our nation that we might see God's mighty hand once again in our land.

God bless you all,

Love in Christ,

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