Return From South Africa!
I have returned from our conference in South Africa. I traveled with Kevin Thompson my son in law and was gone for the past two weeks. We had a wonderful time first in England as I met with several English pastors and friends. I was able to encourgage the brethren over in England and did my best to comfort, edify, and to exhort them to faithful obedience to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I also met with an author who is seeking to publish one of his books possibly with Emmaus Road Press the publishing company that we have begun here in Grand Blanc, Michigan.
We then traveled to South Africa where I spoke in the church of pastor Irving Steggles. It was a wonderful time of encouraging his people as well to have a positive world view that the Lord is on His throne and is doing mighty things among the nations of the earth. We had several opportunities to visit and fellowship with various people in his church to stir their hearts as well to serve the Lord with faithfulness.
We flew out of Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth where I spoke at the APC (African Pastor's Conference). I spoke three times and the Lord came down in an amazing way. I am always hesitant to talk about what may or may not be the perceived blessing of God on my preaching ministry. But let me say that the Lord definitely appeared to come down among that special group of pastors and touch many hearts as I spoke on the subject of biblical worship. My book What The Bible Teaches About Worship was distributed among the pastors at these conferences in South Africa. All of these things give me reason to praise the Lord for all of His many blessings. My hearts desire is to be used of God to exalt His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.
As I was traveling I had this verse on my mind often, "As the hart pants after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." Psalm 42:1
I will make a brief presentation of our trip this Sunday January 25th. Thank you all for your prayers for our safety and for the Lord's blessing on our labors while we were away from our homes here in Michigan.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dickie
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