(Jonah calling Ninevah to repentance!)
With the financial crisis devastating our country, and the new president rolling out a "I hope this works but don't know if it will" economy stimulus plan that will cost tax payers upwards to 800 Billion dollars, it is time for our country to take a hard look at where we are spiritually and consider that maybe some of our problems are related to our spiritual condition.
I believe that faithful pastors everywhere should call this country to repentance. If we, as a nation, would turn from our national sins and the greed and selfishness that is so much a part of the fabric of everyday American life, we would have no problem meeting the financial crisis that we are facing today.
Here are some sobering statistics that reveal the depth of our spiritual problems and the deep sin that has engulfed this nation. Every year Americans spend enormous amounts of money on things that our forefathers would have called vice, sin, and wasteful habits.
1. 286 billion dollars a year is spent on gambling in America.
2. 100 billion dollars a year is spent on illegal drugs in America.
3. 29 billion dollars a year is spent on fighting illegal drugs in America.
4. 22 billion dollars a year is spent on welfare benefits for illegal aliens in America.
5. 79 billion dollars a year is spent on cigarettes in America.
6. 30 billion dollars a year is spent on alcohol in America.
7. 1.7 trillion dollars a year is spent on health care in America, (the vast majority of that is
related to treating people who are abusing themselves with sex, drugs, cigarettes and
8. 50 billion dollars a year is spent on fighting std's in America.
9. 13 billion dollars a year is lost by shoplifting in America.
10. 15 billion dollars a year is spent on pornography in America.
11. 412 billion dollars a year is spent on the interest on our national debt in America, (this is the
third largest budget in our federal spending!)
If Americans repented of their sins and used their money wisely we would not have a financial crisis.
America needs to repent and turn from its national and personal sins. May God convict America of her sin. May God bless America once again, and may God use each of us to call others to holy living in the days in which we live.