Making A Difference!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dickie
As we approach a new year I would like to exhort each of you to spread the gospel of Christ by your life and personal witness. Over the years I have often tried to reach people with the printed page. My suggestion is to pass out the booklet that I have written Authentic Christianity 101 published by Evangelical Press. This is a simple presentation of the gospel that both declares and defends the gospel by an exposition of John 3:16. I was always stirred by the deep love and faithfulness of my father-in-law Del Fehsenfeld. That dear man of God would witness and give out Christian literature everywhere he would go. Even up to the time of his death at the age of 93 he never slowed down in his desire to witness and see people come to faith in Christ. I keep a box of Christian books and materials in the trunk of my car so I have literature, tapes, and Cd's available when I have opportunities to witness for the Lord. Pass out this booklet with the prayer that those you give it to will come to faith in Christ.
You might also give out the book on What The Bible Teaches About Worship, and my new book Living For Jesus, (This book is published by Emmaus Road Press and can be ordered by contacting Berean Baptist Church). My desire in writing these books was to make a difference in our culture which is becoming more secular, worldly, and anti-Christian with every passing day. I trust that all of you at Berean will do your part in helping to stop the hemorrhaging of our spiritual heritage.
As this year comes to an end likes all be committed to making a difference. We can and should do all that we can to serve the Lord in the days that He has given us on this earth.
Pray for our pastors, elders, deacons, and leaders at Berean. It is my prayer and desire that the wind of heaven will descend on our church in a mighty effusion of power and blessing!
May God bless you all and use you to change lives and impact others for our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dickie
A change is needed in the Church. A return to evangelism would be a great start. Islamic leaders are not afraid to encourage Muslims to visit and live in the U.S. because the Church has ceased to evangelise. Where are the tracks, the liturature, the editorials in the local paper?
Thanks, Kim! Yes the church needs to evangelize. But that does not mean there are not many across this great nation doing just that! I traveld down to Greenville SC this last week and met with Christians that are witnessing in many amazing ways! We passed out literature all along our journey. I am so encouraged by the many churches, ministries, and individual Christians doing exactly what you are encouraging. We all need to do our part to spread the gospel of Christ to those who are lost. Beginning with you, and me, and all who read this we need to each do our part. Praise God for His faithfulness in answereing prayer and blessing our efforts to lift up His name. I trust many will take up your challenge to be more faithful in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. Let's encourage those who are and challenge those who are not. Pastor
Kim, I almost forgot. I read this last week in several news papers as we were traveling, entire page ads that various Christian groups took out as a witness in the paper. You would have been blessed. More people need to do that sort of thing!!
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