Great is Thy Faithfulness!
"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him."
Our God is a great God whose Word is full of precious promises to those who have put their faith and trust in Him. Tomorrow’s message will be on the text in Lamentations chapter three that teaches us that God’s faithfulness and mercies are new every morning. It is my desire that all of you will be encouraged and blessed by the words of Jeremiah the prophet from this text. When we are going through difficult times in our lives it is wonderful to remember how gracious and kind our heavenly father is. Indeed, His faithfulness to each of us is truly great. Pray over this passage and come prepared to worship and to give God glory for all of His many blessings in your life.
Our God is a great God whose Word is full of precious promises to those who have put their faith and trust in Him. Tomorrow’s message will be on the text in Lamentations chapter three that teaches us that God’s faithfulness and mercies are new every morning. It is my desire that all of you will be encouraged and blessed by the words of Jeremiah the prophet from this text. When we are going through difficult times in our lives it is wonderful to remember how gracious and kind our heavenly father is. Indeed, His faithfulness to each of us is truly great. Pray over this passage and come prepared to worship and to give God glory for all of His many blessings in your life.
I also want to share with the Berean family that my dear friend and fellow worker in the Gospel Pastor Jim Jones went home to be with his Savior on Friday. I am deeply moved to think that my dear friend is in the presence of Jesus today. O how blessed he is to have this wonderful inheritance in Christ! I smile when I think of his joys around the throne with all the redeemed in glory. May we each so live our lives so that when our time of promotion arrives we too, like Jim Jones, will have a triumphant home-going. God bless you all. I look forward to seeing in the Lord’s house tomorrow. Yours in Christ, Pastor Dickie
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
I'll be with you in spirit, Pastor Dickie...as the trek from NJ is a bit far for Sunday Service (but I'll be @ my own Montgomery Evangelical Free Church, praying for you and your congregation).
And please keep us in prayer as our Pastor Search Committee interviews candidates for Senior Pastor.
Yours in Christ.
Thank you Pastor for two wonderful sermons Sunday. It was a good reminder to show agape love to the world, but close to home first. I also appreciated the encouraging reminder that God will be with us no matter what circumstanses we find ourselves in. I'm sorry your good friend Pastor Jim Jones passed away. It's wonderful that "....We sorrow not as those who have no hope." We've been blessed through all these years with some of your good friends sharing messages with us. He will be missed. I thank the Lord for every message you have preached here at Berean, and for the wonderful love you have for all of us, and for every kindness you have shown my family. May you outlive us all and continue preaching until the Lord calls you home a LOOOOONG time from now! Love the Q's
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