Home From Great Britain
I have returned home from our trip to Great Britain, and we had a wonderful time visiting our friends and attending the board meeting for Evangelical Press.
Mary and Joanna went with me, and we had a delightful time together. We arrived in London and stayed in a motel near Heathrow Airport. After getting some rest, we took a taxi to Windsor and had dinner and later had tea and scones across from Windsor Castle.
The next day we were picked up by one of Dewi’s trusted members of the Tabernacle church, and we were driven down to Cardiff to spend the rest of the week and the weekend with our dear friends Dewi and Mari Higham. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the Higham’s home. Dewi is always a blessing to be around and is such an encouragement to my soul! I gave my testimony on Thursday evening in the new church building that the Lord has provided for the Tabernacle, and spoke there on both services on the Lord’s Day. Thursday evening Dewi gave a history of how the Lord provided such a wonderful facility for them. It was also so good to see Vernon and Morwren and the others from the Tabernacle Church in Cardiff.
Sunday night after the evening service, Dewi and Mari drove us over to London where we stayed in a motel for the night. The next morning I was dropped off at the Campus Church in Welwyn Garden City for the Evangelical Press Board Meeting. In the evening, Pastor Steve Bignall drove me over to have dinner with Phil and Kate Jones. Mary and Joanna joined me there, and we had a wonderful meal and time of fellowship with the Jones family…Kate is expecting their first!!!
The rest of the week we stayed with Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Andrews. Fellowship with them is always a delight, as well. We had several outings, and discussed details of Edgar’s new book answering the atheists on their attack on the doctrine of God.
Our flight home was very relaxing, and we are glad to be back with our Berean family once again. As always, when I am away there are many things that have to be attended to, and I am very grateful for the love, help, service and abilities of all of our elders, deacons, and our assistant pastor, Eric Stewart. God bless you all, and thanks so much for your service of love in my absence.
I felt that my trip was successful. I tried my best to exalt the Lord Jesus everywhere I went and where I had opportunity to preach. As always, I have tried to be an encouragement to the Lord’s people. The board meeting also went very well. I am very pleased with the direction of EP in the coming months and years. I send my love to all of the Berean family and to all of the many friends who read this blog.
God bless you all.
Pastor Bob Dickie