Saturday, April 14, 2012

We are starting a series of messages on Christian Stewardship. I want to share with all of you the introduction to my message that I'll be speaking on in tomorrow's service. I trust this answers any questions you might have and will prepare you for the wonderful time that I am praying that we will all have around the Word in the days to come.

We are going to start a series of messages on Christian Stewardship in two weeks. There are reasons why I have felt led by the Lord to have my pulpit ministry emphasize this topic. Let me list the reasons for you.
1.     First and foremost, I have felt the leading of the Lord to go in this direction. While I always appreciate suggestions and encouragements from the congregation on topics for future studies,  I have always regarded the selection of the topics of my preaching and teaching to be ultimately a matter for me to seek from the Lord.
2.     Second, Christian stewardship is an important subject because it relates to discipleship and Christian living. Therefore, stewardship is an essential aspect of Christian living, and it is the duty of every Christian minister to properly instruct his congregation in this important area of their lives.
3.     Third, to share with our families and friends the topics that we will study in this series will enable us to take seriously our call to be faithful followers of Christ. Understand this well—the secret Christian, the lukewarm Christian, the carnal Christian, the uncommitted Christian, and the professing Christian that does not take stewardship seriously is an abomination to God. We must openly and unashamedly declare ourselves to be on the side of Christ.
4.      Fourth, many of the topics that we will consider in this study have not been taught in our ministry here before. These subjects are both biblical in nature and very practical for our families and for our youth to hear and learn. The materials from Crown Financial Ministries that I have chosen to use are excellent and perhaps the finest that I have seen.
5.     Finally, I am looking at our Church from where I want us to be five or ten years from now. I have been making some changes in our fellowship and ministry that will ensure that we grow and develop spiritually and biblically as we move into the coming years of our worship together here at Berean.

What is Christian stewardship? Stewardship simply stated is the understanding that everything we own and everything we are belongs to God. Therefore, all of our actions, service, and decisions should reflect serving God’s interests above our own. Stewardship touches every area of our lives. Stewardship relates to our:
a.     Time
b.     Money
c.      Talents
d.     Spiritual gifts
e.      Family
f.       Physical bodies
g.     Property
h.     Relationships

Please be sure to join us for this series of messages!! God bless you all.

In Christ,

Pastor Dickie

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