Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Have a Wonderful New Year!

Have A Happy New Year!

As we face a new year here are some things to consider. I exhort each of you to examine yourself to make sure that none of these things are true of you. May we all live for the glory of God this coming year. God bless you all.

10 Signs That Our Spiritual Foundation
Is Eroding

  1. When we neglect our quiet time with God.
  2. When we refuse to listen to godly counsel.
  3. When we begin to demonstrate the attitude of pride.
  4. When we develop a critical and negative spirit.
  5. When we are no longer approachable.
  6. When we are becoming fleshly.
  7. When we forget that true spiritual greatness is being a Christ-like servant.
  8. When we are no longer willing to die to self.
  9. When we no longer spend time in prayer at the throne of grace.
  10. When we measure success by man-made benchmarks and not by the timeless principles of God’s Word.

Only one life twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last!

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