Saturday, September 29, 2012

Interview With Bill Tipton In Chicago 2012

Just before we left for Brasil Bill and I went to Chicago to get our visas. While there we had this brief discussion. I trust it will be a blessing to all of our Berean Family. 

I spoke with my dear friend Beto today and we praised the Lord for the wonderful times we shared together in the Lord's work in his country. We have such a wonderful Savior and shared so many precious times serving Him in Beto's home country.

With the coming election drawing near I remind all of our Berean Family to pray for the direction of our nation. As always, we have the responsibility to vote for our convictions and principles. Let me remind all of you that you need to take into consideration the Biblical teachings and principles of the Word of God when you vote. Our first allegiance must be to the Lord Jesus Christ and to His Word. I urge all of our Berean family to pray for our country and to pray for our church that God's blessing and His presence might be among us.

 I believe that my responsibility as a pastor, preaching in my pulpit, embraces these four principles.

1. Proclaim the gospel- Matt. 28:19-20.
2. Proclaim the whole counsel of God- Acts 20: 19-20. (This includes God's law, and God's truth as it applies to every ethical and moral situation that we may face. The Christian pulpit must address or prophecy to the culture in which we live. But we do that in the context of the biblical exposition of the Word of God. There are other methods of teaching and instructing  our people as well, but the main emphasis is by proclaiming God's Word.)
3. Exalt the Lord Jesus Christ- John 3:30. (This is the highest calling of the Christian minister)
4. Extend God's Kingdom on earth- Matt. 6:33. (No cause, organization, calling, hobby, or personal pursuit must ever rival or replace the Kingdom of God as it is manifested in the Local Church.)

These are the principles that shape and mold my ministry. May the Lord bless our Berean Family as we approach the coming challenges in our land and in our personal lives.

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