Thursday, October 18, 2012

Walking With God

The Christian life is the greatest adventure one could ever have the opportunity to enjoy. Think of the privilege of knowing God and walking with Him during the  days of your pilgrimage here on  earth. We are only here for a little while and then we will be called on to make our final journey home. May we each so live that when that moment comes we will pass into the next life with an abundance of joy and confidence. 

In this video I share some thoughts on the life of Enoch who walked with God.

Enoch seems to be a type of Christ.  Enoch lived in a time of great spiritual declension and danger.  Enoch’s story is sandwiched between the horrific tragedy of the fall of man in Genesis chapter three on the one side and the terrible flood in Genesis chapter six through eight on the other side. Between the fall and the flood is the brilliant life of Enoch shining like a star in the darkness and madness of man's rebellion against God. 

What makes the story of this man so colorful is the text that we find here in our text, “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not, for God took him.” Enoch found great joy and purpose in life. He lived each day to walk with God. My brother-in-law, who died of a brain tumor, has on his tombstone these wonderful words, “He knew God, he loved God, and he walked with God.”

Enoch lived 65 years and begot Methuseleh, and then after that, he lived and walked with God for three hundred years. After those wonderful years Enoch was called to glory by a divine translation. God came and took him home.

May we all strive to walk with God in our daily lives. Walking with God finds it greatest expression by our fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Each believer is called upon to do three things concerning Christ:

1. Defend Christ
2. Proclaim Christ
3. Adore Christ

If we do these three things we will indeed be walking with God as did Enoch so many centuries ago. 

"He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Great Sermon By John MacArthur On The Politics Of Immorality

This is a link to a sermon by Pastor John MacArthur on one of the most important moral issues of our time. How can the church be silent on this when it touches on the direction that this nation is drifting? I encourage all of you to listen to this. 

The Reformer Martin Luther once said, 

"If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition of every portion of the truth of God, except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battle fronts besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point."

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Developing A Consistent Christian Worldview

The importance of Christians having a well-thought-out worldview is stated clearly by Chuck Colsen and Nancy Pearcey in their book How Now Shall We Live.

A debilitating weakness in modern evangelicalism is that we’ve been fighting cultural skirmishes on all sides without knowing what the war is about.  We have not identified the worldviews that lie at the root of cultural conflict—and this ignorance dooms our best efforts.  The culture war is not just about abortion, homosexual rights, or decline of public education.  These are only skirmishes.  The real war is a cosmic struggle between worldviews—between the Christian worldview and the various secular and spiritual worldviews arrayed against it.  This is what we must understand if we are going to be effective in evangelizing our world today and in transforming it to reflect the wisdom of the Creator.”

A worldview is very important. A worldview is like having a map to show us how to live in the spiritual journey of life.  Without such a map, people tend to wander and stumble along without any real purpose and sense of destiny.  British author, Os Guinness, raises some questions that show us why having a worldview in life is important.

How do we unriddle the mystery of life and make the most of it?  What does it mean to find ourselves guests on a tiny, spinning blue ball in a vast universe?  Is our sense of individual uniqueness backed by a guarantee, or are we only dust in the wind?  What explains our grotesque human capacity for slaughtering our fellow human beings by day and listening to classical music in the evening?  Is there an emergency number to call when we have vandalized our planet home like a drunken rock star on a hotel rampage?  Why is birth the automatic qualification for death?  How should we live, knowing that we each owe death one life, and nothing we can ever do will ransom us?  What recourse do we have if we conclude that the world should have been otherwise?”

I am convinced that if we are going to make a true difference in our country and in our culture then this issue of developing a consistent Christian worldview is absolutely essential. Please read my book Living For Jesus. The first few chapters address this issue and give guidelines on how we can make a differeence. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Listen To The Debate Tonight!!

"Is America One Nation under God?"

There is great confusion today in our country as to whether or not we are a Christian nation. Most people are not even clear as to what we mean by that statement. 

It is my conviction, as a Christian, that the Scriptures teach us to bring every area of culture under the Lordship of Christ. Our duty as pastors and members of our church is to do all that we can to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ and to apply the biblical principles and laws of Christ and God’s Word to every facet of society. How will the nations know what is morally right or wrong if there is no authority to which we point people? Without the authority of the Word of God we are left to accept someone else’s view and opinions. I believe the reason there is so much confusion today in our country is because we do not have a consistent message that we present to the nation. The authority for all moral and ethical positions rests on the Word of God.

Years ago, I came across some information that was helpful to me and I want to pass it on for our Berean family to read and meditate upon. I trust that it will be a blessing to each of you.

Before you give these thoughts consideration let me remind each of you to listen to the debate tonight night between the two candidates who are running for the highest office in our land. I believe that the issues will be clear as to where these two leaders stand on biblical issues. It is our duty to be informed as much as possible in this critical hour of our nations history. With that in mind, I trust the following comments will be a help to you regarding our beloved country. There are scholars and educators who want us to conclude that this republic was never a Christian nation and was never intended to be a Christian nation. Is it true that our founding fathers just wanted a land where all religions would be viewed as morally and ethically equal? Can we really say that they had in mind this sort of pluralism? Here is some information that I trust will help you with this question:

“Even a cursory examination of our nation’s history belies this theory; yet many American Christians have accepted this falsehood and are reluctant to become too involved in the political process else they be accused of advocating a "theocracy" or imposing their beliefs upon non-Christian Americans.Tolerance of other’s beliefs, or lack thereof, is not only fundamental to American freedom and democracy, but it is also a necessary ingredient of true Christianity. Our Creator, in His infinite wisdom, gave us each and every one the freedom and responsibility of making a personal decision to accept or reject the Lord Jesus as our personal savior. Therefore, while it is incumbent upon us as Christians to spread the Gospel, and do everything within our power to inform and educate non-believers about the amazing saving grace of Jesus, we must remain tolerant of their God given right and responsibility to make a personal decision.

However, this tolerance does not pre-empt our right to defend and promote our beliefs and values, and it does not preclude our right and responsibility to fully participate in the political process. It also does not mean that we should allow anyone to destroy all that is decent and good in America, or that we should be a party to the re-writing of our history, or denial of the fact that this country was founded by Christian men and women and built upon religious principles.

Our history books are filled with statements by our great leaders—Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln, etc.—that prove beyond doubt that they recognized the importance of religion in our society, and realized that our republic could not succeed without it.
Perhaps the most profound analysis of the importance of Christianity in America came from a non-American—the French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville—who visited America in the early 1830s to study our democracy. De Tocqueville was overwhelmed by the influence and impact of Christianity on our society, as documented in his great work "Democracy in America."

Tocqueville wrote: "There is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America; and there can be no greater proof of its utility and conformity to human nature than that its influence is powerfully felt over the most enlightened and free nation of the earth." He is also thought to be the originator of the following popular quotation: "Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the greatness and the genius of America. America is good. And if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

These truths are just as pertinent and imperative today as they were when they were penned. Indeed, the consequences and results of our failure to adhere to the Biblical principles and values that our nation was founded upon are evident in the headlines of our newspapers every day.

In order for America to once again become great, America must once again become good. This will only be accomplished by Christian Americans doing their duty to God and country by becoming involved in the political process and electing good, decent, moral, and Godly men and women as their leaders.”